Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Hope of Beauty in an Age of Ugliness and Death (PDF)

There seems to be no shortage of belief in God in contemporary America; yet the decline of beauty and the ascendance of ugliness have become a widespread condition.

In this study I want to argue that there is such a concept as beauty. We see this, in the first place, as a common-sense phenomenon.

I hope to show that an enduring and therefore workable understanding of beauty is intimately tied to the Biblical teaching about God and creation, and in the theological and artistic tradition arising therefrom. And I will insist that the hope for recovering beauty in an age of ugliness and death rests with those who embrace this Biblical and theological perspective and heritage, and who undertake the responsibility of cultivating a taste for beauty, and support its promulgation against the spirit of the age.






  1. A “Common Sense” Case for Beauty
  2. A Biblical and Theological Case for Beauty
  3. A Case for Beauty from the Heritage of Christian Art
  4. Recovering Beauty in an Age of Ugliness

Appendix: Beauty in New Creation

Coda: The Hope of Beauty

Some Questions for Reflection or Discussion

Additional information

Media Type

Ebook (PDF)
