Introduction: What Was the Celtic Revival?
- Historical Overview
- Major Figures in the Celtic Revival
- Revival
- Ireland before the Gospel
- Celtic Peoples
- Europe at the Beginning of the Celtic Revival
- The Church in Britain in Patrick’s Day: Gildas, The Ruin of Britain
- Revival, Renewal, and Awakening
- The Gospel of the Kingdom
- Evangelism and Missions in the Early Church
- Christianity and Culture
- Literary Sources for the Celtic Revival
- Celtic Christian Culture
- Patrick’s Writings
- Sechnall: Audite Omnes Amantes
- Early Christian Monasticism
- Spiritual Forts
- Celtic Christian Mission
- Columbanus: Greatest of the Peregrini
- The Synod of Whitby
- Looking Back (1): Cormac’s Glossary
- Looking Back (2): Litanies
- Lingering Lights: Eriugena
- Lingering Lights: Alcuin
- The Celtic Revival: A Partial Bibliography
Questions for Discussion
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